First Impressions – White Sand Vol.1 By Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hiskin, & Julius M. Gopez

Hey Jared,

Going to mix this one up a bit since it’s not the usual sort of thing we review.

whitesandThis has Sanderson’s fingerprints all over it, but it’s not quite enough for me. My biggest gripe with comics and graphic novels is the length. Sort of like with short stories but made more frustrating because often the story just stops so it can pick up in the next issue. Which you then have to wait months (or in this case a year and a half) between issues. It’s like taking a novel and then releasing a chapter at a time.

For what it is, I liked it. The art was amazing and the magic and world are classic Sanderson. The characters are ok, but for being the equivalent of only a chapter in, there’s not much to say.

Ya, satisfied my curiosity and I’m done. The only reason I even got this far was because this was in the Sanderson HumbleBundle. No regrets but there just isn’t enough here for me. I’ll probably come back to this once the series is finished or the world is tied into the Cosmere more. For now I’ll focus on his other work.


First Impressions – White Sand Vol.1 By Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hiskin, & Julius M. Gopez

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